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Kirjoitukset vuodesta 2017

Tulokset: Portfolios

konsultoimme vastuullisuusraportti helppolukuinen

Touchpoint’s Sustainability Report 

Touchpoint’s Sustainability Report Sustainability services At Touchpoint, our collaborative efforts with the customer involved comprehensive consultations on the content and structure of their sustainability report,

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HKL vuosikertomus raitiovaunu

Annual Report for HKL

Annual Report for HKL Communication Planning The annual report was produced based on the customer’s existing material and interviews with key personnel. What we accomplished:

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Bioskan sosiaalisen median sisällöntuotanto

Bioska’s Social Media Content Production

We undertook the production of Bioska’s social media content, aligning it with the updated brand strategy to establish a distinctive identity, voice, and community across various channels. Additionally, we crafted engaging brand communications.

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Rastor Institute’s Sustainability Plan

We created a comprehensive sustainability plan aligned with Rastor Institute’s overarching strategy. This involved setting clear targets and indicators for the strategy period while establishing a model tailored to the industry’s sustainability activities.

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